Top 50 Free Cyber Resources to Learn and practice Problem solving skills for Africa in a Fun and Interactive way

Africa hack yourself before you get hacked, this way you can protect your assets, data, applications and systems against increasing threats on the Internet.

In no particular order, here is a list of cyber websites that take let you learn, practice and improve hacking and cybersecurity skills:

  1. Alert to Win 
  2. Attack Defense 
  3. Certified Secure 
  4. OWASP Webgoat 
  5. Zenk-security 
  6. We Chall 
  7. W3challs 
  8. Vulnmachines 
  9. Vulnhub 
  10. Try hack me 
  11. The Crytopals Crypto challenges 
  12. TCM Security 
  13. SmashTheStack Wargaming network 
  14. SANS Challenger 
  15. Root-Me 
  16. Root in Jail
  17. Range Force
  18. PWNABLE (early hacker catches the bug)
  19. Pwn College (learn to hack)
  20. Practical Pentest Labs
  21. PortSwigger Web Security Academy
  22. PicoCTF (Carnegie Mellon University)
  23. Pentestlab (make learning web hacking easier)
  24. PentestIT Lab
  25. Penetration testing Practice Labs (vulnerable Apps and systems)
  26. OverTheWire
  27. OSBoxes
  28. NewbieContest
  29. ImmersiveLabs 
  31. HackXpert
  32. Defend the Web
  33. HackTheBox
  34. Hacksplaining 
  35. Hacking-lab 
  36. Hacker101 
  38. Hackaflag BR 
  39. Google Capture The Flag (CTF)
  40. Exploitation Education 
  41. EchoCTF labs 
  42. CyberSecLabs 
  43. CyberDefenders 
  44. Ctftime 
  45. CTF Komodo Security
  46. CryptoHack - A fun, free platform for learning modern cryptography.
  47. CMD Challenge
  48. OWASP Broken Web Applications Project 
  49. Web Application Exploits and Defenses
  50. Hacker test
  51. US Cyber Challenge 
  52. Owasp igoat 
Comment below any other resources you find valuable.

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